Celebration of Eid-Ul-Fiter

22 Jun, 2018


“As salamu alay kum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatullah”  

Eid mubark …………………………………………Eid Mubrak

The creative minds of students have been explored out by providing them extracurricular activity in LMS.The same have been provided by arranging a special assembly on Eid.The celebration of Eid started with a short description of “Ed- Ul- Fitar” The religious festivals of Muslims. The board was decorated with the drawing with holi places with Muslims – the Dargaah. ”The girls of classes 7th to 10th performed and amazing dance performance on the songs- Bismillah” This dance was dedicated to God ,  who is known as Allah in Muslims .This dance shows love and  care  towards different religious by Montessori students.LMS the prestigious school always shows its dedication and respect towards all the different religious communities .The holistic development of students also increased , by the celebration of ‘Eid-Ul-Fitar’ in our school. 

Contribution by Tanisha class-x and Arpita class-viii.